Life Satisfaction and Happiness of Thai Senior Citizen
อาชัญญา รัตนอุบล
Thailand has been seen as an aging society since 2005. Thailand also has promoted the concept of “schools for senior citizens” to the community. This concept is promoted in this article to generate better understanding of Thai senior citizen’s learning activities. Schools for the senior citizen can enhance citizen’s self-esteem and dignity. From the in-depth interviews with community leaders and senior citizens in rural areas, the activities in schools for the senior citizens were focused on non-formal and informal learning. In addition, an author employed the Life satisfaction and Happiness instrument which is a self-administrative structured questionnaire survey to eighty-six seniors in rural areas. The understanding of life satisfaction and happiness, which is a state of mind or feelings characterized by pleasure or contentment of a senior citizen’s life, is recognized. Therefore, promoting more variety in learning activities, especially in non-formal and informal learning activities is recommended.
Elderly, Happiness, Lifelong learning, Life satisfaction, Senior citizen
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